What does it mean to be exceptional?
According to the dictionary, “exceptional” is used to describe:
“someone or something that has a particular or unusual quality to an unusually high degree”
As human beings, we all have particular or unusual blend of qualities that makes us uniquely exceptional.
From the day we were born, we’re given a unique mix of gifts, strengths and traits that define our uniqueness as individuals.
We are unique by nature’s design — Mother Nature has designed each of us to live and work in our own unique ways.
We were born to be our exceptional, unique and complete selves from day one.
Yet so many of us rely on universal methods and one-size-fits-all approaches to thrive in our careers, our businesses, our relationships and our lives, and feel disheartened when things don’t go as we’d hoped.
We are born into a world where we’re told to fit our multi-dimensional selves into round holes and conditioned to follow paths that are not designed for us… A world where our true nature became buried under thick and dirty layers of societal and cultural conditioning.
Over time, we lose our inner compass, stray so far away from our true selves that we end up living lives that are no longer our own.
Being exceptional isn’t about living up to other people’s expectations nor how you think you should be.
Being exceptional isn’t about achieving external success to prove you’re worth.
Being exceptional is about grounding yourself and standing firm in your values.
Being exceptional is about having the courage to go on the journey to rediscover your true self.
Being exceptional is about coming home to yourself and being unapologetically you.
Being exceptional is about showing up in the world uncontrived and allowing your unique light to shine.
Being exceptional is about becoming the highest version of yourself, and living your best life.
Just be exceptionally you.
If you’re feeling insignificant, or if you’re struggling to figure out who you are or your purpose in life, consider these wise words from Linus…
When you look up at the sky, in some ways, the stars are a lot like us.
If you look closely, you’ll see that every star is different.
They each vary in colour, size and how brightly they shine.
But it’s those differences that create something beautiful.
Just like us.
Each of us is unique, but we’re part of something much greater than ourselves.
We each have a purpose, even if it’s hard to know for sure what it is.
And there’s joy to be found in the journey of figuring it out each day.
Maybe for now, your purpose is just to be you.
— Linus, friend of Charlie Brown