Annual Reviews

Socrates once said…

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

To end up where we ultimately want to be, we need clarity of our life vision, and to periodically reflect on where we’ve been as we honestly examine where we are in order to self correct.

Publishing my Annual Reviews allows me to hold myself accountable to my intentions. You'll get to peek into my life behind the scenes which helps me build on my courage muscles by sharing things you don't tend to see or hear about online.

I hope you learn from my mistakes and lessons as much as I have.

green plant sprouting at daytime

2022 Review: New Beginnings

man standing on seashore

2021 Review: Realignment & Grounding

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

2020 Review: Alignment

Trust your struggle

2019 Review: Patience & Trust